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About Me

Chasing lizards around and getting dirty as a kid, especially with my brother, was one of my favorite things ever.  Luckily, I had great parents that also enjoyed being outside and I grew up in Mt. Shasta, Ca where there is plenty of "outside" to explore.  Like many children, I always wanted to bring everything home so eventually I was allowed to have some small pets and quickly took an interest in lizards.  Shortly after high school I began volunteering on a few jobs where I worked with lizards, salamanders, and bats.  Eventually I made a name for myself as a volunteer and was offered a paid fisheries position during summers, and attended college so I could pursue a career in wildlife biology.  I earned a Bachelor's of Science Degree in both General Biology and in Zoology but because I had fisheries experience, I remained in that field for a bit longer doing various jobs.  Eventually I moved on and was lucky enough to work with reptiles, amphibians, and all sorts of other amazing creatures in different parts of California before returning to my northern roots.  During my career, I have met other biologists who also chose this field of study because they grew up outdoors, in the woods, or had animals and pets.  Both children and adults can benefit so much from simply caring for another living creature.  Children especially learn about love and empathy and may be better adjusted as adults.  Reptiles are not for everyone so as with any pet, consider your own needs, desires, and limitations first.  Luckily we live in a time where there is better species information and superb products on the market, which provides access to responsibly obtain and own a larger variety of pets.  My connection with animals and nature defines me as a person and will forever be a part of my life.

About My Animals

When I purchased my first gargoyle, it was a surprise to us both I think!  After losing a beloved pet of 13 years, I was heart broken but began researching and wanted something easy that stayed small.  Crested geckos were just entering the pet trade so I decided I to get a female as a pet and then one day, potentially breed her and keep a few more.  I headed out of town on my quest to a serpentarium where one of the owners highly recommended gargoyles instead (both are great!) and I was hooked.  Though he didn't have any females for sale, he knew I was a biologist and decided to part with one of his girls.  She wasn't the most gorgeous thing and was growing back her tail (crested geckos don't do that) after someone nipped it off but she's been with me ever since.  Years later I bought a REALLY expensive young male from a breeder who used to be a microbiologist so he knew a lot about genetics and takes amazing care of his animals.  I still didn't breed them at first but one day had to evacuate my home in a hurry so the two had to be put together in a smaller tank as I ran out the door and voila!  My male instantly began courting her and was very gentle so no injuries either.  I set up a penthouse suite and they moved in together and got along great.  I have since retired her from breeding due to her age (just like humans, there can be more problems when they breed in old age) but she still has a lot of good years left.  A few years ago I acquired two more females of different blood lines and decided to keep my first born son from my original pair too.  Eventually I decided that I could afford to set up a very small breeding hobby and now I have pet carriers for everyone so don't worry... I'm evacuation-ready during fire season so no animal is left behind!!

Why Choose Me?

10+ Years of Experience

Reptiles and amphibians have been a part of my life since childhood and a part of my professional career as an adult.  I bought my first gargoyle, Ella, in 2011 and have been surrounded with gargoyles ever since! 


Although I will remain a small-batch breeder and do it for the enjoyment of the species, I do hold a college degree in Zoology, General Biology, and have worked as a wildlife biologist with many species for over 20 years.


Currently I hold a California Seller's Permit and a Business License (see Contact page) within the City of Redding.  The species I am breeding and selling does not require any special permits from the State of California. 


My focus will always be on what is in the best interest of my animals and their keepers.  I only breed as many as I can care for and I regularly monitor the health of all of my animals.  I provide a health guarantee.




Purchasing a pet is a life-long commitment.  Know about the animal's needs, where you will keep it, how long it will live, and if it will get along with your other pets.  Also, what do you want from your pet?  Once you've decided, make sure you have everything set up before you bring them home.  Giving your new animal a quiet place to adjust is important for their well-being. 






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